Are you looking for an opportunity to earn money in Poland or in another country? In this article we will tell you how we have been making money for more than 10 years thanks to the possibilities of the Internet. Would you like to do the same? Find out more!
The world has changed
The modern, rapidly changing world has turned the lives of millions of people upside down in a short period of time, forcing them to leave everything behind and go to other countries in the hope of a better life. For many people, life in emigration is not easy, from the psychological state to the difficult financial situation. Many professions require foreign language skills, local licences, certificates and permits. However, the process of confirming these documents may take months, while monetary savings are quickly depleted.
Opportunities and advantages of earning money in the online environment
Working from anywhere in the world without being tied to an office, city or country has proven to be so important in today’s world. Thanks to the internet, the world has become borderless, opening up earning opportunities regardless of location or language level. Social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Telegram and many others have become not only a source of information but also platforms for earning money. The number of people who want to earn online is increasing day by day.
The dangers of the online world
With the growing popularity of online earning, there has been an increase in the number of scams aimed at stealing identities and money. This has seriously undermined trust in online activities, leaving many disappointed when promises turn out to contradict reality.
However, not everything is so sad. It is important firstly to make sure that the person or company you are going to partner with is trustworthy. We ourselves successfully earn money in the online sphere thanks to co-operation with a reliable partner – a well-known world-class company. This helps to protect yourself from fraud and ensure a stable income.
Online Earnings: Selling or Brokering - which is better?
It so happened that we tried both options, starting with online sales. In 2013 we opened an online shop, the joy was boundless! Although the beginning was not easy, we developed step by step, gained the trust of customers and our profit grew. Along with the profit grew the number of accounting reports, orders, we had to spend more and more time and money on packaging, delivery, etc.
When the strategy of the company we were working with changed in 2022, our role changed too – we became intermediaries. Our joy was once again unrivalled – from now on, all online sales are carried out on the partner company’s website. The company has taken over all the work and responsibility that was associated with online sales! Customers buy the products they need 24 hours a day, 7 days a week directly from the company. The company takes care of all the bookkeeping, packaging and delivery, warranty and returns. What is our role? Our job is to advertise the products, provide information about them and direct customers to the company website where they can order the products they need. Every month sales are tallied, price differentials and turnover bonuses are deposited into our bank account.

And that’s not all. Since the partner company took over the delivery of orders, it became possible to develop our business (as we now call our work) not only in the country where we started e-commerce, but also in Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Ukraine, Germany and many others. Regardless of which country the goods are purchased from, all order-related issues are taken care of by a reliable partner company. Could it be better?
Mediation is not all our partner company has to offer. We also have the opportunity to create a team of like-minded people who will do the same what we do – become intermediaries, promote the company’s products. There is an excellent incentive programme that also brings our family a good monthly income. We have been using this programme for many years, and during this time we have started and continue to expand our network also in the UK, Germany, Ukraine, Lithuania, Estonia and other countries. And it all started with a desire to ‘earn extra money’. Sounds unbelievable, doesn’t it? But it is!
E-commerce: how to choose a partner/activity
Everything from jewellery to cars can be purchased online. As you know, there is a buyer for every product. The only question is how many consumers are ready to buy this or that product. Therefore, when choosing which company to work with, it is important to pay attention to the breadth of the product range and for which consumers it is relevant.
We have chosen a partner with a range of products that everyone needs every day. The wider the market segment to which an offer applies, the more earning opportunities it offers. In difficult economic times or simply in a difficult financial situation, people start to limit themselves and stop buying luxury goods.
But they do not stop brushing their teeth and washing their hair, so no matter what the circumstances are, there is and will always be a demand for these goods. Therefore, trading in such goods guarantees constant demand. There is a constant demand – there will be a steady income.
Stable earnings even at the end of the world
Thanks to co-operation with a reliable company, the activities you can engage in will always be ‘in your pocket’, regardless of where you live today and where you will live tomorrow. You can be sure of your income, because the partner company pays you itself, without any intermediaries. Everything is transparent and clear.
Our experience
Rima: As a woman, the first thing I saw here was quality products for my family. ‘Natural vitamins’, “effective detergents” “quality cosmetics” – these are the reviews of millions of people all over the world, including ours. No matter what situation people are in, personal care products and home care products are used every day. Women always want to be beautiful, use quality cosmetics. Everyone is concerned about health, thus vitamins and supplements are in great demand. All these products have the good feature of running out sooner or later. 😉 Constant demand for them provides a stable income. Every day more and more people on the Internet are looking for information about quality products, make online purchases. Help people make the right choice, become an intermediary in purchasing AMWAY products and create an additional source of income today!
Aleksandras: For me, working with AMWAY is, first and foremost, an opportunity to take care of my family’s financial well-being. I decide how much and when to work and what goals to achieve. I am proud of the fact that I not only managed to consider the possibilities and prospects in such an unusual earning opportunity for me, but also made the right decision – to start acting! Over time, my extra income has grown into a stable income on which I can live with dignity and be confident in the future.
You can start working with AMWAY at any age (from the age of 18), regardless of your speciality and work experience, as well as your nationality and lifestyle. If you have any questions or doubts, please contact us – we will be happy to answer them. We, Rima and Aleksandras, are proof that working with AMWAY is a real opportunity to achieve your goals!

AMWAY is an international manufacturer of products founded in 1959 in the USA. The company offers a wide range of products that meet the needs of people in various spheres of life. Its product range includes such product lines as Nutrilite vitamins and dietary supplements, personal care products of Glister, Satinique and g&h brands, Amway Home household products, Artistry cosmetics, as well as eSpring water purification system and many others.
AMWAY ranks first in the world in terms of turnover among direct selling companies*. In addition to producing and selling products, the company provides income opportunities. It is actively developing using modern technologies and opportunities. The word-of-mouth business model established over 60 years ago has become the foundation for an effective online business.
The fact, what you are reading now, could be a sign that you are in the right place at the right time for you. You are on the cusp of new opportunities, on the verge of expanding your financial possibilities, which could be endless. A new life waits for you and you just need to make up your mind and take the first step towards it. Open the door to your desires and dreams, even if they seem unfulfilled, and give us the opportunity to show you that your dream job can become a reality.
* DSN Global 100 ranking, 2023, based on 2022 earnings.